
Filtered by tag "Healthcare Art Program"

Six Ways EDAC Principles Shape Healthcare Art Programs

Scholars have been fascinated by the power of the built environment on healthcare outcomes since the mid-1800s. Florence Nightingale, known as the founder of modern nursing, was the first to document sanitation and stress on wartime mortality rates and applied her findings to British soldiers during the Crimean War, plunging death rates [...]
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Owensboro Health: First Day Fresh for Over Six Years

The Owensboro Health Hospital still looks first-day-fresh as the locally focused Art Program remains a frequent topic of conversation! Spoiler Alert:  We are not the only ones noticing!   In 2011, Distinctive Art Source had the pleasure of beginning our work with Owensboro Health to develop timeless art goals and create an art program for [...]
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DAS Shares Presentation from Healthcare Symposium and Expo

DAS was once again honored to speak at the Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo in Chicago on October 1. DAS partnered with Nemours Children’s Hospital Orlando, the Orlando Museum of Art and Camp Boggy Creek to present “More than What You See: Unveiling the Structure and Reciprocal Benefits of a Community Supported Art Program.” We [...]
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