
Filtered by tag "Hospital Art"

Three Tips for Artists to Succeed in the Healthcare Market

Successful patient-based art programs in healthcare settings often showcase the works of local artists, which portray familiar and comforting images. As evidence continues to emerge about the positive effects of the arts in healthcare, hospitals nationwide are turning to their local art communities to help create a healing environment. They’re using art programs to expand the boundaries of [...]
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Three Critical Success Factors in Planning Healthcare Art Programs

Research has shown that appropriate artwork in the hospital setting can help reduce stress, the need for pain medication and length of stay. The principles of evidence-based design establish the foundation for selecting healthcare artwork. These guidelines indicate that nature is a healing element and that patients can be comforted when viewing familiar surroundings. At [...]
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Community Engagement: Why Some Hospital Art Programs Continue to Grow

Successful art programs can engage the community long after opening day. A well-developed art program expands hospital boundaries and makes the most of internal and external resources by establishing ongoing relationships within the community. With added value becoming the standard expectation, new and replacement hospitals seek opportunities to sustain opening day interest and excitement [...]
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How to Avoid Change Orders When Designing Feature Art Elements

As an interior designer in the healthcare industry, you are well aware of the many challenges and obstacles involved in delivering a high quality interiors project on time and within budget.  You anticipate the unexpected: The subcontractor who destroys your feature wall by installing thermostats or fire extinguishers. The discovery that the monumental sculpture was [...]
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